not many artist go against the flow, in a culture where perfection goes to the thin and tall appearance there are some brave enough to do it.
this is Fernando Botero
born in Colombia his work is easily recognized all over the world. there are several ways to see his works, one is from a surrealist point of view, another form the realist point of view and the mix of both. i personally find his work disturbing, not only because of the lack of a real proportion, but because he has the nerve or the bravery to touch on subject such as his Abu Ghrain series ( highly violet images NOT shown below). he is good with shading an d has a good use of color he is also known for "coping or representing" some known work such as the Mona Lisa. he has also dome many sculptures seen all over the world.
but you make your own opinion on his work. like it or dislike him you can't talk about contemporary art without looking him up.

*All work is property of the artist *
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