Friday, 27 April 2012

designer loves art...Peter Callesen...145

paper paper on the wall....

this is Peter Callesen

born in Denmark, he has focused lately on a very common used material, paper in a A4 format. this means the common white paper we have in our printers or sizes "letter". a white piece of paper can be anything. and it is only us who limit what we can do with it. he also shows and inclination to fairy tales that reflects some of his childhood. his gallery on-line is impressive you could just see the hours some of his works take to make. i hope we see more of his work.

*All work is property of the artist *
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Friday, 13 April 2012

designer loves art...Benvenuto Cellini...144

not many names are recognized for metal work in the renaissance.

this is Benvenuto Cellini

born in Florence, he is well known for his work in metal, though he did create some marble sculptures as well. he is considered one of the most important sculptors of the Mannerist movement. he also worked for the Medici's at some point.his ability to create detail in metal is what distinguished him, to the point that many pieces of metal work are attributed to him without any real information on them.

*All work is property of the artist *
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